Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gential Warts On The Lips

year-end letter

Christus-Treff - Jesus-Community - Friends
Marburg - Berlin - Jerusalem
A Letter to Our Friends

Dear friends! Advent 2005

end of the year we send warm greetings! Like every year we want to express our thanks for all your support and solidarity with the accompanying financial card 2006th

Our annual Card 2006 - an icon from Syria

The illustrated icon was handed over to us by Dr. Christian Zippert retired Bishop of the Christian home. He had received from the rum-Orthodox Patriarch in Syria. The small inscription on the right explains the picture. It says: ho nymphíos - the groom. At first glance, this representation is unusual for us. But if you look longer, can overcome the feeling of alienation. We have chosen this picture as an annual pass, because it expresses the connection with Christians in other countries, while making clear that Jesus is the center of our lives and our community. Jesus - the groom. A basic biblical motif. Even John the Baptist, Jesus compared with the groom. (John 3, 29)
At the end of the Bible appears the community of Christians as "bride", which calls gemeinam people with God's Spirit to Jesus talk "The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And anyone who hears it, the say, Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely "(Revelation 22, 17) So is this picture an invitation to come to Jesus and to love him more than anything else in the world.. This invitation we want to pass.

growth in Marburg, Berlin and Jerusalem

Marburg: Here in Marburg, we have seen in recent months, an astonishing growth. Because the number of visitors increased steadily since the beginning of November, we offer two services on Sunday morning at 10 clock and clock by 12. Both are well attended and packed. Amazing! Even the English-language service on Sunday evening and the traditional Thursday-service continue to grow. In the introductory course for new staff were over sixty people, the largest number so far. In all this we see a great quest for community, for experience of God and faith in our time. Our two youth work - TeenZone and teens club - reach many young people. Working with children is booming on all levels. New is the playground at the church with Michael Allgäuer Richtsberg. Also, Andy and Liz Goodacre join our team. Andy works with full-time students and has primarily in view. In parallel, he makes his training via distance learning Anglican priest.
Jerusalem: The work in the St John's Hospice in Jerusalem now in its 13th Year. Steffi and Guido Baltes create together with the volunteers an atmosphere in which guests and visitors feel comfortable. They also maintain contact with many in the country, tourists and locals to pray for reconciliation and are a testimony to Jesus, whose truth and love is all. The Jerusalem meeting of Christ has become an insider tip for many.
Berlin: Here is the key word growth. Many are moved to Berlin and Marburg strengthen the core community. Thus the worship fill slowly, and new missionary forces are released. The open house is attractive to many neighbors and others. It is good if we continue to pray for the team at Alexander and Ruth Oed and Prego community.

community - the basis for spiritual movement

Community of Christ meeting in history been more important. The team, home groups, binding communities and not least the Jesus community are living cells. As JG and CT, we are part of a network of spiritual communities, both through personal contacts and through the "meet spiritual community". So I am a member of a Committee of the EKD, which will develop a position paper on the position of communities and communities. We note again that we need the spiritual exchange with other cells. Last year we had contact mainly with the Jesus Fraternity Volkenroda, the Christ-makers, the offensive young Christians, the Jesus meeting in Stuttgart, the YMCA emotion in Essen, the "metabolism" in Dresden, the clergy community renewal, many YMCAs, with St. Mary's in London, the Baptist Union in Georgia, other communities in Marburg Christians in Sudan and many more.

for people - space for encounter with God

The conversion of Christian home in the last year have gone with power forward. Many volunteers have worked in the Construction Week in August, there were over 130 people. Now, on with a small team and with specialist companies. A miracle is that so far we could pay all the bills. The major works be ready before Christmas. The interior still needs even a moderate effort, financial and work in the spring. Now we have realized how great it is to be able to conquer the new rooms.

Small things - big impact

In 2005, many of us the way, the message of Jesus to bring about many far beyond Marburg. On the basis of Friends reached Gottfried Müller thousands of young people. But Elke and I are often on the road to ministry. The books of CTlern reach beyond many people. But to enumerate the names of the CT-authors, shows what a wealth God has given us: George and Margaret Pflueger, Guido and Stefan Baltes, Steve and Anke people, Dietmar penny house, Tobias Faix, Thomas White Born, Gottfried Mueller, Roland and Elke Werner. There are also CD-productions, the latest CT-CD with worship songs, "I Turn To You" on the community and preaching work, our pastoral work, and not least the CT medical center a great impact in the city and region into it. The bookshop Quo Vadis was made through the dedicated effort of Gierse Eva and her team to a starting point for many. Our world needs is overlooking the "COURAGE" (Mission Support Team) and since the summer by the work of Stefan and Tine Bösner, engaged for many years in humanitarian aid in Sudan, were sharpened. We are also grateful for the short-term employees from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Georgia, USA and England. is supported and allows all of the work by faithful people like Dirk Klingelhöfer in the office and Christian Mutschler under construction, both integrated over again helpers.

kingdom and yet

dependent, we are grateful for the wealth bestows, the God of us: the many volunteers, financial resources, creativity, talents, contacts, links. Part of this wealth and your! We do, despite all the uncertainties in future do bold steps in Trust in God's promise that says: "I will never leave you nor forsake" (Hebrews 13, 5)
warm regards and gratitude for all Christ-Treff-employee Community
your / your / your
Roland Werner

More information about the various branches of the Christ-events, the work of Friends, the St John's Hospice and the Christian home-remodeling, etc., we send you to: CT office, Steinweg 12, 35037 Marburg, office @ jesus-community. de , Tel 06421-64470, + + + + + http://Berlin.christus-treff. org +
Who wants us to support: general
Christus-Treff: Account 10,100,700 20th Friends: 10 100 10 663rd
Christian home-renovation in 1000 2630th All Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf, BLZ 533 500 00th Thank you.

Ford Fiesta Getting Ipod To Work


What a week!
astray. On Sunday we had
for the third time our two "morning" worship in a row, by 10 clock and clock by 12. Both times full.

And then the November Café. With live music by Matthew, Thomas, Stephen, Michael and George. And with lots of cake. Craft activities for children, wood workshop of Tim, Advent wreath-tie with Claudia and much more.

than 300 people were there in the afternoon.

Evening, nor the International Worhip service. I have (coincidentally, came like this) in all three preached.

On the day I had a strange feeling, I would always call my mother.

I made around 19 clock, and was told that my aunt - her sister - was dying.
When I preached soon after the IWS, I had to cry - public - which I thought was super embarrassing.

died in the night then too. Charlotte Voss, birth 4 July 1921. My favorite aunt.

a committed Christian. A true role model.

Monday: Christival Board and the evening course and then only configuration Basic Course 2 - with GOFI and about 90 participants.

Wednesday Christival-wire circuit in Kassel, in the evening then CT's management team and employee subgroup. A Pakistani minister is visiting us.

On Thursday, the church was full as ever. This time, something new: Our youth TeenZone, have transformed the church into a magical mood. Super creative and deeply spiritual.

I was particularly pleased that the 18 year old Michael - taught - alternating with Frixe.

It is something from the kids of the Jesus community.
He then prayed after the blessing of time ("Teens bless normal people") for me, for the funeral and the talk I had to hold on Friday.

way, we have collected for the earthquake victims in Pakistan, It brought together over 2,500 euros from the state. Awesome!

That was wrong with the onset of winter. We made it just in the northern Ruhr area. But my mother, my father, brother, wife and two nephews were sitting for hours on the A 31 because of power cables laid on the roadway.
So my mother (81 years) experienced the funeral of her only sister!
But Jesus has comforted us all. My aunt is where it belongs: in heaven with Jesus.

Today I was in Wiesbaden for a board meeting.

What a life!
Thank you, stranger, if you who read this, a prayer for me send to the control center of the sky.


Friday, November 18, 2005

Add Hard Drive To Dish Network Vip222k

High Church - Low Church-

The last two weeks have been exciting.
The conference for younger leaders in the monastery Volkenroda - You can contact Andy ( read.
With lots of power and web power of the Holy Spirit
(he has woven us together!)

And then the last week, the TGG - Meeting Spiritual Communities - Life in the Ecumenical Centre Ottmaring.

came here together almost 30 different communities, of Jesus and Prego Community Association (Christus-Treff network) using Offensive Young Christians and Jesus to the brotherhood of the monastery Amelungsborn Rita's Familia and Michael Lutheran Brotherhood.

Some very high-church, other quite loosely.

But Jesus was in the middle, and that made things interesting.

now is in a full weekend, and I'm just curious what happened. Super

I think that this year a few of my books have been published - this surreptitious advertising:

provocation Cross - Why did Jesus die? (Hänssler Verlag)

worth more than millions - Sabine Ball, metabolism and God found child (well Verlag)

Yeah, I want to see Jesus (John-Verlag)

becoming a Christian - being human (extended edition, Francke-Verlag)

A New Vision. The Lausanne Movement in Germany published ( with Arndt Schnepper - Hänssler Verlag)

winter can come, is provided for reading material. be

Let Jesus Jesus!


Friday, November 11, 2005

How To Make Tech Deck Ramp Out Of Books


In recent days I've experienced a few miracles.

healings and the like.


And indeed, as we have done with a group from the United States, Canada, Switzerland and Germany, a conference for younger leaders in the monastery Volkenroda.

More on that later.

But all in all: God is real
