Long jog yesterday
It is well known, the period of basic units. One or the other Long Jog beyond the two hours is already completed. Then I remembered a crazy suggestion from Pete last year, which had led to that four Drake went on a day bike ride from Passau to Vienna - and in March! As for me this year is rather a run-year, I had the glorious idea to run from Vienna to Hainburg - virtually from the front door to the city gate. This 50km run haunted for years in the diseased brain around athlete. Alone, without take great pause, meals and return by train. Is that possible? Is that even in cold weather? Without becoming ill? Let's find out!
So I set the day before yesterday in sunshine, almost calm, but a few minus degrees at 10:10 on the clock path. With a water-filled hydration pack, two bananas, one bolt and two gel I ran from the apartment in the 20th District on the Augarten Prater Stern and the main avenue. Passing the Prater is the first bridge crossing the Danube, the second should take place only hours later. "Oh dear, what am I doing in here?" A piece of Danube Island, Steinspornbrücke and the oil port Lobau behind me I was at half past eleven at March Field dam, should the next three and a half hours all abverlangen of one.
lack of space in the backpack I had no camera, so her holding a picture from the Internet. You have the scene with no leaves, but imagine all lightly covered with snow. It is the first children at lunch time that is spent walking. The hydration pack turns out to be extremely convenient because it is worn comfortably and you can drink on the run - even ignoring the fact that the water was almost frozen. After a running time of two hours, a sign Castle grove 30km. Well hurray! The third round hour went right quickly, but in the fourth, the legs heavy and slow, especially mentally it was tough. Most of the time is the way straight up as far as one can see, without change, to the left and right trees, no houses, no refreshments available and hardly any people. For comparison, an Ironman has always distractions. Two thousand combatants, contrary to control all of the same object and masses of cheering spectators. In the Lobau was of course not. Accordingly, the time passed slowly. "What am I doing here?" Why bother? "I could just find the next town and go home by bus, could not care less anyway. Who cares?" were some of the recruiting issues.
For some reason I still went on and on, until in the fifth hour then stopped and muscle pain. The right knee is finally announced. Finally, I saw the long-awaited bridge across the Danube from Hainburg, the crossing constituted a real joy. The sun was lower and dipped the Danube slightly snowy landscape in an orange light. Another piece of the road along, I ran through the Vienna Gate in Hainburg and stopped the stopwatch. 5 hours 3 minutes for 49 km (measured with www.map24.de) - is a "practice run" with two walking and children at lunch time, right?
A fruit tea in the cafe bridged the time to train. took to the Prater Stern Train over an hour. All I am currently running? Incredible! "So a frenzy - and I'm certainly not again!" - "Well, let's say not so soon," Two days later
does indeed hurt me no more, but stair climbing is still very tiring. Let's see if tomorrow a small recombinant run in it. Eh short, not always quickly meters, either. Man wants to flay it, do you? ;-)
A year of wishes
Andi are "miles" stud
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