triathlete gone astray
The freedoms are great in the off-season break before a year ... This is exactly the right time to the great love of triathlon, detailed comments are untrue. Iron Chris's brilliant ski tours sounded very tempting offers to the common winter sports wobbled in from all sides. So it was time to try again to my talent off the Trinity Sports.
The first opportunity presented itself with colleagues Micky and the Drakes iron chris and Pete including women gain in Joglland. The borrowing of the ultra-light skating cross-country skiing proved to be not nearly as heavy as the seat belts out of it. To make matters worse we discovered yet Norbert Domnik, who immediately fell to Mickey to talk shop while we were able to keep up with Drake's trouble on their feet. When I finally turn my ski had my fingers were so frozen that I had to be right back to the car. = O) decreased
When I finally on my first lap, I got a Mickey on his fifth lap around and made it his goal to teach me with my legs bent skating, what it was certainly more frustrating than to me. Anyone who tries with cowboy OHaxn like mine, gliding along on a ski will agree with me. Wedge-shaped ski, that would be something for me. My skating career is so complete in 2 small rounds for the time being. = O)
My new muse Katrina inspired me in the following weeks, more and more excursions into other sports. After a scramble in the hall and skating on the bayou Greifenstein we crossed with Andi Source Challenge Roth in ski flying in Kulm. Admittedly, this time in our sporty limited use rather the looting of the People's Bank employees buffets. Special thanks again to Reni and Iron Chris for the generous donation of Cards. If the People's Bank now slip into a financial crisis, I take my cap ... = O)
Finally, however, I have finally found a sport for my bent legs are made as follows: Riding! Awesome, what has been there for a check when touching the feet almost under the horse again. = O) Katrina's bell is already so insecure some riders have dropped. In my Würgesitz was hardly possible! The flying change, or the curb crossed I still get out, but the call "That looks so like the Youth club" Mark, I conclude that as a compliment. = O)
Last weekend was a 5-day trip to the Tyrol. Katrina's dad provided us with a floor of his house in the beautiful Gschnitztal in Steinach am Brenner available. After a perilous toboggan at speeds beyond the sound barrier Nößlachalm the following day was processed with the snowboard. A new trend appears to be broad here go on, I've never seen so many dogs on a ski slope. This experience was topped only by the third day when I borrowed the Olympic champion Heini Messner its ski touring equipment and I was able to tour the mitbestreiten Sattelalm.
THIS is a hot sports! Gigantic. The area
through which one comes, mostly to 1 m of snow on the road, carried safely through the fur clad in fine ski. Snowy forests as on Christmas cards, as in the panoramic views of TV. Unique. Ski Tour is a MUST equipment for next winter. Absolutely! Only the top of the summit, where a sign announcing the border with Italy, it was rather uncomfortable. In an icy wind and minus 20 degrees only hoped that no one's nose drops. I was there at the same time unfasten, toppled over, from the proposed relocation was nothing and we were completely frozen on the steep descent.
first with a hot cocoa in the lodge we thawed again and found that alone paid for the photos of the already tough climb has! At home, waited for a giant cup homemade cheese dumplings for us, the hunger is still the best in sports! The next day, nor the Innsbruck Pool has been tested by us, I had also swim in a little before, but more in a later entry. The last
aftermath of the 2008 season and subside slowly. Just spins the letter beginning the prosecution, the criminal proceedings relating to my Radu If a week in before the season-long distance Podersdorf now set. Simultaneously, a payment form comes from the State Hospital Bregenz on my three-day all-inclusive stay, where I had learned that after a hard season but it would perhaps something detraining. = O)
I would be happy also to read a few training updates the other Drakes!
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