Thank you Father
On Tuesday, 6 June 2006, my father died four weeks after his eightieth birthday.
Yesterday we have placed his body in the earth.
He himself had long before God.
I am grateful for his life and all that he has in me and all of us invested.
About the obituaries we have a Verse from the Psalms set that characterizes his life
"Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place, as does your honor!"
Psalm 26, 8
In all change his life - from Labelle in Pomerania, where he was born, the prisoners of war years in Egypt - he was drafted at 17 years - over Duisburg, where he met my mother and our family lived and Mettingen near Osnabrück, where she lived the past almost 18 years - are moved by the "Father wanted to be where God's house, where people believe in God and as Christians lived together and celebrated, joys and sorrows shared with each other. Born
as the eighth of eleven children, he was from the start in the catering sector.
I thank God for such a father, and I thank him and my mother, now 82 years living through a new phase of life has, for everything.
ps The last weeks have been marked by many trips to Mettingen. The day after the death I was with my mother and supported them in all practical matters.
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