Wednesday, December 20, 2006
J Crew Sweaters Shrink
Dear Readers! - If you even still exist ...?
almost half a year, I found nothing in here.
Why? Sure just overwhelmed.
And I notice that the item has with the death of my father but me has more than I realized.
But - I will again from time to time in here and share what.
perpetuate So many of my good friends in the world of blogs ...
Since I will not stand aside.
So here I am again.
And to compensate for my long silence, I sit in here an article that I have a few issues in "turn," published.
Be blessed!
The Power the words
love six years, three years engaged, twenty-three years old, married. This is the sober stock of our relationship. Elke Brands and Roland Werner. Old love does not rust, or, as the saying is it again? Nice if it were that easy!
Because in all the years we have witnessed how some relationship has broken down around us. Old love with rust spots and cracks. Old love, but then outdated and finally landed on the scrap heap of history. Injured men, women embittered, wounded hearts, lost years.
children who remained on the track, sad and confused.
How could this have happened? How can that even with Christians happen? Most of them began with the words. The words that stayed away because we are so busy with everyday life, with work and hobbies, with stress and fun. There were just no words. No power to tell the other: you, I love you still loved her as the first day! No desire or time to say "thank you", "Please!" Or simply, "I love you" But the missing words are no substitute. Where they should have sounded all that remains empty. A void that is growing.
Not spoken words into wounds of those who yearn. Yesterday I saw it again at IKEA. A family shopping. The boy, maybe ten Years, said: "Dad, look what I'm here!" No response. The boy runs after him and tries again: "Dad, look," Again, no response. Only at the third attempt, the father turns to short grunts something unintelligible and turned away again. His son is honored to utter a word. No praise, no compassion, just not interested. Disrespectful. I wish I could run to shake the father, ask him if he does not realize what he does or does not do. I would like to raise the boy, ask him what he wanted to show his father. The father would be happy for him, who sees and appreciates. But I go further, speechless and helpless.
addition to the lack of words, there are the deliberately hurtful words. One is done from the others, reduced and degraded. Not just on the playground, but also there: teasing, which may not mean it, but life and burden of the other. In pastoral conversations, I hear this all the time. Deep wounds, beaten by mates and friends, of brothers and sisters and parents. And also from spouses.
words like blows, words that define the other, make it small and dehumanize. Deep they dig themselves into thinking and heart and left its poisonous cargo. "You're worth nothing! You are incapable! You are stupid! You're too fat! You're too small! You do not understand! You have no idea! You're a loser! Get out here you have no business! "Thousands of times they fly like fiery darts of the evil.
Why do we do that? Why we do this to each other? Do we really build our own, by making others down?
The power of words is immense. Not only God's words have power. Even our words. Power to build and power to destroy. And the wounded a soul already is, all the more hurtful words appear in it.
The power of our words describes James, the brother of Jesus impressively: "Equally it with your tongue: it is small but mighty and brings things done. Remember how small the flame may sets a great forest on fire! The tongue is a fire. It is a world full of injustice and stained the whole person. It sets our lives from birth to death in fires with a fire that comes from hell itself. The man has managed to to tame all the animals: wild animals, birds, snakes and fish. But the tongue no one has been able to tame, these restless troublemaker, full of deadly poison. With the tongue, we praise God, our Lord and Father - and with it we curse our fellow human beings who are created in God's image. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this is not allowed! "(James 3)
Yes, it can not be! I will not have in my life. I do not want to hurt others by my words. And yet I recognize that I've done just that. Where I and others have made ready my words. Sometimes unintentionally and inadvertently, sometimes deliberately. In all cases, it hurts and destructive acts. I know I can use my words as weapons. Especially in marriage and have at all with people who I know well, but really nice.
The power of my words is great, I know. Therefore I pray: "Lord, let my words bring healing. Let me speak truth and that which builds up. Help me to say good things. I want with my words contribute so that others can heal. Help me to be a blessing. For my wife. For my family and friends. For my community and the community. For my environment. For this world. You, Jesus, have words of eternal life. And I want to repeat after you. "
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Chelsea Charms Where To Find Pic Sets
Best wishes to all readers!
I have no longer heard from me. Here is a small opinion on a current topic:
Brief Statement on the "heckling"
Why can very well go to Calling All Nations
In these days makes an email around, by participating in the event " Calling all Nations " 15 July 2006 advises against the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. It is written by Dr. Theo Lehmann, Hartmut Lutz Scheufler and braid. As the executive circle, we want to briefly comment.
We are disappointed that these brothers spread in a critical phase in preparing a mail with misleading allegations, without first looking to talk to us. They criticize both the price and content issues. Also, we would have wished to carry out such a day without a registration fee and are currently doing anything to the budget again to cut drastically. The characteristic of a stadium event caused expenses that can not be avoided. Calling all Nations is of any official Page subsidized and must be entirely financed from ticket sales and donations.
hope at the moment we are more than 16,000 tickets sold to 25,000 participants, so all costs can be covered. All participants have therefore waived fees, fees and reimbursement of costs for travel and accommodation. For this we are grateful.
If the use of the "heckling" exaggerated contrast between the money for a Christian event or to give directly to the mission, would be really could not take place, the majority of Christian action.
The vision of the event is to bring together Christians to praise God, to pray for our country and the to encourage the world and to emphasize the concern of the global mission. This is the program of hymns, prayers, preaching and multiple controls for expression. We are encouraged that many Christians have understood from various churches and characteristics of this concern and to pray together, celebrate and want to hear God's word.
to us under the authority doctrines such as "prosperity gospel" and similar play in the tour group not yet on the day itself a role. The charge in the program itself would find no biblical justification is not true.
As organizers, we hope that many take spontaneously on his way to and from the "interruption" is not the answer astray can do together to worship the Triune God in a large international community of Christians.
tickets are still available in advance and on the day itself at the Olympic stadium available.
The leadership committee of Calling all Nations, 20 June 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Recording Studio Workstation Desk
On Tuesday, 6 June 2006, my father died four weeks after his eightieth birthday.
Yesterday we have placed his body in the earth.
He himself had long before God.
I am grateful for his life and all that he has in me and all of us invested.
About the obituaries we have a Verse from the Psalms set that characterizes his life
"Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place, as does your honor!"
Psalm 26, 8
In all change his life - from Labelle in Pomerania, where he was born, the prisoners of war years in Egypt - he was drafted at 17 years - over Duisburg, where he met my mother and our family lived and Mettingen near Osnabrück, where she lived the past almost 18 years - are moved by the "Father wanted to be where God's house, where people believe in God and as Christians lived together and celebrated, joys and sorrows shared with each other. Born
as the eighth of eleven children, he was from the start in the catering sector.
I thank God for such a father, and I thank him and my mother, now 82 years living through a new phase of life has, for everything.
ps The last weeks have been marked by many trips to Mettingen. The day after the death I was with my mother and supported them in all practical matters.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Skelaxin 800 Get High
The last weeks were full. Many trips, many events. Full church services, seminars and much more.
Have finished a new book written, which will be published in autumn in the Neufeld-Verlag. Title:
Jesus Christ? Seven reasons why I followed him.
'm just on a second book.
I was most concerned but the fact that my father, whose 80th Birthday, we wanted to celebrate last week, for almost 3 Wcohen in hospital.
The celebration was canceled. I could visit him on his birthday.
On this occasion, I add to an article I wrote several months ago for "turn."
He expresses best what I feel at the moment. roland
Best wishes to all who read this
My parents
Somehow I feel like today something to write about my parents. Whether this is because a picture of them here with me is at work? Or because I am nostalgic with age? Anyway, this is my theme today.
One thing is clear to me: I can call me really happy that I have such parents. They are now both around eighty years old, modest mother and my father after all, already eighty-one seventy-nine. Their golden wedding is already a couple of years ago, after they were married in 1951, and truly "in good and bad" to each other on hold. As one who has just pierced the twenty-year marriage mark, I find quite the performance.
Where in them that not everything is always peace, joy and pancakes was. But Erik and Martin, these are the two that is, have managed repeatedly, that despite differences, often completely opposite views, to meet each other. Maybe it's because they have never ceased to pray together. It will have only a few days to be where they are not in the evening together knelt by the bed and have enjoined everything that was important to Heavenly Father.
my parents are far from what we understand as traditional "pious" would. My mother, for example, is up to the present day is an incredibly critical spirit that makes fun of everything and every thought. The fact that things are sometimes, they do not address directly, strictly speaking, something you have to take this into account. In any case, it takes a lively interest in what happens in the world and its environment. Always amazed me with their demands. She remembers people who have not seen her for years and want to know everything exactly. Sometimes a bit annoying, but in any case a hundred times better than disinterested indifference.
books they read to date without end, and calls on all possible day and night, with me to discuss it if they did not understand something or disagree with the author. Especially when social injustice somewhere, it must make its indignation. My mother was and is a small Revoluzzerin and also does not shy away from conflict.
My father is the exact opposite. Harmony is the highest good, and in any conduct he is still looking for the good core, or at least the good intention. And is also usually a bit. And caring he is to stop. When I was a student home, I was inevitably the next morning before my shoes cleaned. Sometimes I went to the spirit. I thought it was impossible that my father almost no own needs seemed to have, but always just about tried to do another a favor and help them gain life. But when you look closely, I must say that this incredible strength is visible. Selflessness shows that one has found its center and therefore can just let yourself go.
What I learned from my parents? Three things come to mind immediately: The use of money, commitment to the church and world horizon.
First: money. As the refugees came after years of captivity in Egypt, my father was completely burned to the Ruhr area, where he met my mother. Together they built a modest living. Every penny was turned over twice. And yet they were when it came to the community or helping others, always generous. You could give themselves often to help others. In money matters to be accurate and generous at the same time, I learned from my parents.
Second Engagment for the church. It was natural for them that my parents cooperated in the local church community. Of course, voluntary, but more intense. For many years she directed the Sunday school. My mother played the organ, and my two brothers and I had this not spared: Organ learn was announced! In any case, it was normal: Christian means, get involved in the community. But not uncritical. Too often, my parents were suffering from the high-handedness of some pastors who had for some years there, but then of course, always appeared as heads. That was not always easy to bear. Also not to experience how good traditions were systematically ruined. But my parents are still her life of the Church remained loyal. First, belonged to the good form and, secondly, to believe in God. use me and not necessarily to be expected thanks and appreciation that I have learned from my parents.
And third, the global horizon. Although they lived in modest circumstances - my father was a simple postman, my mother a secretary, first for the CID and then at a school - they were always open-minded. Even if no money was there, they were important to show our children the world. And so we went very early on the Alps, in the car that belonged to us only half - the other half of my uncle and my aunt. And although she could not really afford it, they sent me to share in the USA. For vision and education, which was important to them. And into old age, they traveled themselves, Russia, USA, Turkey, Israel, England, France and so on. Openness to the world - and this was I learned from them.
But one thing is for me the heritage of my certainly not perfect, error-free parents, God is simply a must. Anything else would be stupid.
That's something, right?
Welcome, Your
Roland Werner
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Cost Of License Plates In Ontario

I've just come back from the CT service. Now during the holidays, are less people in the parish church as usual, only between 300 and 350
Today was my theme: From folk hero to the defendants - had to die Why did Jesus.
Who wants to hear it, it can be downloaded in a few days of the CT website ( ).
Jesus had to die.
This from the preface of my book "provocation Cross
It's strong stuff, which imposes on the New Testament: The execution of a man who described entirely innocent, was in great detail. I find provocative.
It's a bit rich that Jesus of Nazareth was not trying to evade. He was aware of the way to the Cross, retreat knowingly and without. The find I unbelievable.
It's hard the same people who had benefited from him, and it is now contrary to the Roman occupiers extradited so that they enforced the death sentence. I find that common.
It's outrageous that Jesus prays on the cross for those who had all this debt. It keeps the love that has marked his life, by all until the end. I think that's unique.
It's beyond imagination that a whipped, the wooden beams nailed man who did for all to see his last breath, left on the third day death behind her ha t like an old dress that no longer needed is. I find that incredible.
It's challenging, that until today there are people who claim on real and tangible way to be with this man of the Cross in contact. He lives, they claim, and takes an interest in anything that happens. I find nachprüfenswert "
I will consciously in the next few days to think about what that means for me
And for this world, unfortunately the reality in many places of the subject." Characterized Passion ".
eg in Darfur, which continues to be burned before villages, women raped, children are sold into slavery,
and in many places.
For me it's comforting to know that Jesus has experienced the harsh realities themselves.
We Christians do not believe in an abstract God, not a philosophical idea of the highest good, but to a Creator made man who humbles himself up in the bloody reality of Verbrechertods on the cross into it.
this wounded God I can trust my wounded life.
Here is healing possible, because here there is a savior.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Learn Indian Hand Embroidery
Here I am again - write this in Munich, where I help out for a few days at ProChrist.
Munich is a great city and I'm moving next Evenings also met many nice people.
For nearly two weeks we are back from Africa. There it was excellent, unfortunately I can not trust the details to the blog.
We had some over 40 degrees, and in February, there was the drop in temperature rather crass.
It was great to meet our friends again in Marburg.
I'm just here to make two book manuscripts finished, look forward to the result. The
in brief - only a message that I'm back and I have Internet access.
Oh, what I am, our new CT Magazine inContact with the theme "Risers - Breaks is.
Who has not, can order it in the CT office Steinweg 12 Marburg.
On the back I wrote a small text that I insert here again.
God bless all who read this
if blocked what was yesterday
and what is now the view
what will come
could be something where we should go
then aufbruch
just a word
a dream
a yearning
but we are too lazy
too comfortable
too vain
break to really
for departure hurts
familiar is left behind
the house is broken
in the We have lived so long
but even God has a tent ready for us
can start with where we
a dwelling place for the meantime
because only that it is
a pilgrimage on the way we
have here no abiding city
but we seek
the son of man had no
place afterwards he could have put all
we have more
donated time
live but let us enjoy than we would not use
without possessing
and us
forward but also share and re-give
because the best is yet
when the king at the end the doors open and say
are welcome
her blessed of the Lord!
c. Roland Werner December 2005
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Trustee Release Of Liability
Here I am again, after more than a month!
crashed my first PC, then I was two weeks for teaching in the U.S., and now I was almost a week in bed.
But I live again, and I am happy to travel on Saturday for five weeks in my favorite African country, like every year at this time.
Christ in the here-meeting it is great, who wants to find out about it: I recommend the blog of Andy Goodacre:
Boston was cool, I taught an intensive course at a theological college - at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Topic: Muslim-Christian relations through the centuries. Sounds harmless, but it has in itself, for these very issues today are top issues in the world.
burn We still too much in its own juices and do not recognize that the challenge of the future the question of Islam. The Europeans - even Christians - will face the question: Why did Christ stay and not simply become a Muslim?
This is still exciting.
Since we need a new culture of theological conviction among us Christians.
Well, I will instruct anyone that I thought of only pretending.
the way, Gordon Conwell is a great educational institution and the students there, I was very impressed with their combination of thinking faith and passion for the cause of God.
What am also pleased: In two to three weeks and you get the new CT magazine, year after a long pause.
With articles by Gottfried Müller, Elke Werner, Steve nation, Christina Brudereck, John Peters, Dietmar penny house, Savo Ivanic and and and ...
inContact is the part, and it is a terrific platform for thinking and communication.
In CT, we now have four worship services every week, next Thursday in the Parish Church - 20 clock - two on Sunday Tomorrow 10 clock and 12 clock - and English in the evening 19:30.
The Church is emerging!
I think good. If
roland for today
Be blessed