Saturday, November 26, 2005

Ford Fiesta Getting Ipod To Work


What a week!
astray. On Sunday we had
for the third time our two "morning" worship in a row, by 10 clock and clock by 12. Both times full.

And then the November Café. With live music by Matthew, Thomas, Stephen, Michael and George. And with lots of cake. Craft activities for children, wood workshop of Tim, Advent wreath-tie with Claudia and much more.

than 300 people were there in the afternoon.

Evening, nor the International Worhip service. I have (coincidentally, came like this) in all three preached.

On the day I had a strange feeling, I would always call my mother.

I made around 19 clock, and was told that my aunt - her sister - was dying.
When I preached soon after the IWS, I had to cry - public - which I thought was super embarrassing.

died in the night then too. Charlotte Voss, birth 4 July 1921. My favorite aunt.

a committed Christian. A true role model.

Monday: Christival Board and the evening course and then only configuration Basic Course 2 - with GOFI and about 90 participants.

Wednesday Christival-wire circuit in Kassel, in the evening then CT's management team and employee subgroup. A Pakistani minister is visiting us.

On Thursday, the church was full as ever. This time, something new: Our youth TeenZone, have transformed the church into a magical mood. Super creative and deeply spiritual.

I was particularly pleased that the 18 year old Michael - taught - alternating with Frixe.

It is something from the kids of the Jesus community.
He then prayed after the blessing of time ("Teens bless normal people") for me, for the funeral and the talk I had to hold on Friday.

way, we have collected for the earthquake victims in Pakistan, It brought together over 2,500 euros from the state. Awesome!

That was wrong with the onset of winter. We made it just in the northern Ruhr area. But my mother, my father, brother, wife and two nephews were sitting for hours on the A 31 because of power cables laid on the roadway.
So my mother (81 years) experienced the funeral of her only sister!
But Jesus has comforted us all. My aunt is where it belongs: in heaven with Jesus.

Today I was in Wiesbaden for a board meeting.

What a life!
Thank you, stranger, if you who read this, a prayer for me send to the control center of the sky.



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