Saturday, December 24, 2005
Luggage Not Made In Chine
Today is Christmas Eve
eve of Christmas
That Jesus was born, without doubt.
The rest of his life is clear to read in the bestüberliefertsten texts of antiquity, the Gospels.
But who was born there, we can only know because it is told.
For example
By Gabriel, Miriam, announced their calling in life:
mother of the Messiah to be.
By Gabriel, Joseph
surprised and told him that he should call the child Yeshua, Jesus
, rescue, aid, because he was the Immanuel is
of the angels, which woke the shepherds
and sent them to Bethlehem in the stable cave
from the star that the scholars from the country of the East
showed the way to the manger
Of the prophets,
to the already centuries before everything had predicted
From your brothers and sisters who believe with you,
where you can not even believe.
Christians firmly
Discover it.
What do we do? We
a few days in Jerusalem at the Jerusalem meeting of Christ, with Steffi and Guido Baltes ( ) were.
Now we have the CT-Marburg Christian Hard Games: Creative worship service was on Thursday with almost 500 people,
This afternoon Happy Birthday Jesus Party (masses of children and adults, none of the Christian home into
match tonight Holy Night, the English-German Christmas Mass
morning at 11 clock of the "normal "worship.
tonight about 15-20 people come to us, as always on Christmas Eve
How goes off, you can read the article below, the times a few years ago in the journal's turn appeared.
you and all my desire:
holding on firmly fixed on Christ Christian
Chinese under the table by
! Last year it worked quite well. With the Christmas tree, I mean. Our strict division of labor before I am a regular basis for the purchase of such responsibility. Normally I take this on the morning of Christmas Eve. It is important to get it before twelve noon on the clock stage, because it is so with the last possibility. First, then pack the Christmas tree salesman their last wrinkly copies away, and secondly, do I have to be transported even to go home, then comes the Weihnachtsbaumschmückaktion together in this case, Elke, because here we work with skillfully handles hand in hand, and then it goes from the "Happy Birthday Jesus Party", which in the Christus-Treff Jargon, quite simply, the Christmas Eve afternoon is family worship.
Sometimes it works but not so well with the Christmas tree. For example, in the year when my car broke down, to 1, clock, and I still had no tree. I had already driven across town and had looked at all the classic Christmas tree outdoor sales areas, but either they had already wrapped up, or had only completely entnadelte Krumm spruce, which I could perform the best will in no one but the proper Christmas tree. To make a long story short, I Elke had a borrowed car from friends in the middle of nowhere to pick up between hessisschen villages - all had to satiety still snowing - and we got in prayer and supplication, after all, still a noble fir, although small and potted, but better than nothing. It was then placed on an artificial platform, which was covered with gold foil, and each visitor was given a magnifying glass to admire them independently.
Since that experience that led me almost to the final desperation, I changed my Christmas shopping habits. I'm going always going on about 10:30 clock in the morning and look in fervent prayer, driving through the streets of Marburg, for that special tree that is destined for us this year.
fact that last Years worked so well with the decoration, was because Christmas Eve fell on a Sunday, and the tree purchase action already took place on Saturday. What this means nothing more than that we for the construction and decorating of the tree not had an hour as usual, but heavenly 25 hours time.
Why all the stress?, May wonder the kind reader. Well, this is easily answered. Without any real Christmas tree, old German Christmas party. It's that simple, why do we need a genuine, old German Christmas party? This too can be easily explained: Because of the foreign students. It's obvious!
The whole thing started that is like that. I met many years ago from a student the Philippines. He told me how his first Christmas Eve in Germany was over. He lived in a dormitory, and had thrown himself into his best suit, had gone into town and walked around, in the expectation that appeal to him and invite someone to your home would. For it was in his home country as usual: come in all strangers on the street were invited, and to celebrate with the family's Christmas celebration. So he ran through Marburg, people looked kindly at her, and waited for someone talks to him. But what did not happen. All were busy with the last purchases, ran through the streets until the last shops closed and then disappeared into the Worldwide. No one had spoken to him. Then he finally went to one of the churches. Hundreds of people came to worship. But as the past was to be dispersed the crowd, and he was alone again. Finally, he turned sadly back to the dormitory almost extinct, and was alone.
And so it is with us for years tradition that we invite people on Christmas Eve, which would otherwise be alone. Foreign students, singles, friends and (still) unknown. Sometimes people come directly from the street to us. Meanwhile, I will not miss this Christmas Eve. Usually we are around 20 people in our living room. We read the Christmas story in all possible languages, sing Lots of German and international Christmas songs - each one allowed to do - and eat without end. Then comes, how could it be otherwise, the mess, and finally the game phase in which speaks about "Bohnenpiel" to "Uno" to Monopoly everything possible.
One of those Christmas Eve is a special memory for me. We had, among other things three or four Chinese from the People's Republic as a guest. They had brought with us a delightful gift: a small blanket with embroidered Santa Clauses from China, they said, as a sign that the Christian Christmas was now arrived in the smallest villages of central China. And then played We Uno. They knew the game yet, but they were more enthusiastic. And every time one of them had lost, he once had to crawl under the table because it was so common in China: The loser is humiliated in this way humorous. Now, our living room table has a clear height of 40 cm, and it was wonderful to experience how our Chinese guests were stuck snorting with laughter at the table. Since that Christmas, we have adopted this practice, as our contribution to international understanding. He is with us, "Chinese under the table with". Man Kranner just learn from every culture.
happened that evening something ührendes. A Chinese woman who has was separated over a year from her family, was allowed to light candles on the Christmas tree. She wanted to, we want to photograph them in order to send the image of her five year old daughter. And she said in parting that she would set up from now on, every year in China, a Christmas tree with real candles. So we took all of this Christmas Eve with something for our lives: the German Christmas tree, we are "under the table by Chinese." And what we're all together realized was that we have not only celebrated. Jesus was in fact also present when we crawled under the table. Therefore, I am also pleased this year to Christmas Eve.
wishes you Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Cold Sore From Impetigo
Advent Christian?
Here I am again, dear readers.
full days. But nice.
It gives me pleasure, if I can help people.
have in my collection is an ancient poem-determined über15 year-old found by me.
I just sit sometimes herein.
Shalom and Salaam
manger and cross
It is a path leading from the manger to the cross
The path that Jesus walked
As a man he was, and as a person
Humanity in love embraced
It is a path from the manger to the cross a road full of struggle and
by clicking the obedience of the Son of Man
Stones into bread
It is a path leading from the manger to the cross forgiveness and light on the
The powers of sin, sickness, death
Through Jesus' sacrifice is broken.
It is a path from the manger to the cross
Will you go this route?
the other people see his brother until she
the Father? will
It is a path from the manger to the cross
From Bethlehem to Calvary
the way Jesus is with us
go in this and every year.
Here I am again, dear readers.
full days. But nice.
It gives me pleasure, if I can help people.
have in my collection is an ancient poem-determined über15 year-old found by me.
I just sit sometimes herein.
Shalom and Salaam
manger and cross
It is a path leading from the manger to the cross
The path that Jesus walked
As a man he was, and as a person
Humanity in love embraced
It is a path from the manger to the cross a road full of struggle and
by clicking the obedience of the Son of Man
Stones into bread
It is a path leading from the manger to the cross forgiveness and light on the
The powers of sin, sickness, death
Through Jesus' sacrifice is broken.
It is a path from the manger to the cross
Will you go this route?
the other people see his brother until she
the Father? will
It is a path from the manger to the cross
From Bethlehem to Calvary
the way Jesus is with us
go in this and every year.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Gential Warts On The Lips
year-end letter
Christus-Treff - Jesus-Community - Friends
Marburg - Berlin - Jerusalem
A Letter to Our Friends
Dear friends! Advent 2005
end of the year we send warm greetings! Like every year we want to express our thanks for all your support and solidarity with the accompanying financial card 2006th
Our annual Card 2006 - an icon from Syria
The illustrated icon was handed over to us by Dr. Christian Zippert retired Bishop of the Christian home. He had received from the rum-Orthodox Patriarch in Syria. The small inscription on the right explains the picture. It says: ho nymphíos - the groom. At first glance, this representation is unusual for us. But if you look longer, can overcome the feeling of alienation. We have chosen this picture as an annual pass, because it expresses the connection with Christians in other countries, while making clear that Jesus is the center of our lives and our community. Jesus - the groom. A basic biblical motif. Even John the Baptist, Jesus compared with the groom. (John 3, 29)
At the end of the Bible appears the community of Christians as "bride", which calls gemeinam people with God's Spirit to Jesus talk "The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And anyone who hears it, the say, Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely "(Revelation 22, 17) So is this picture an invitation to come to Jesus and to love him more than anything else in the world.. This invitation we want to pass.
growth in Marburg, Berlin and Jerusalem
Marburg: Here in Marburg, we have seen in recent months, an astonishing growth. Because the number of visitors increased steadily since the beginning of November, we offer two services on Sunday morning at 10 clock and clock by 12. Both are well attended and packed. Amazing! Even the English-language service on Sunday evening and the traditional Thursday-service continue to grow. In the introductory course for new staff were over sixty people, the largest number so far. In all this we see a great quest for community, for experience of God and faith in our time. Our two youth work - TeenZone and teens club - reach many young people. Working with children is booming on all levels. New is the playground at the church with Michael Allgäuer Richtsberg. Also, Andy and Liz Goodacre join our team. Andy works with full-time students and has primarily in view. In parallel, he makes his training via distance learning Anglican priest.
Jerusalem: The work in the St John's Hospice in Jerusalem now in its 13th Year. Steffi and Guido Baltes create together with the volunteers an atmosphere in which guests and visitors feel comfortable. They also maintain contact with many in the country, tourists and locals to pray for reconciliation and are a testimony to Jesus, whose truth and love is all. The Jerusalem meeting of Christ has become an insider tip for many.
Berlin: Here is the key word growth. Many are moved to Berlin and Marburg strengthen the core community. Thus the worship fill slowly, and new missionary forces are released. The open house is attractive to many neighbors and others. It is good if we continue to pray for the team at Alexander and Ruth Oed and Prego community.
community - the basis for spiritual movement
Community of Christ meeting in history been more important. The team, home groups, binding communities and not least the Jesus community are living cells. As JG and CT, we are part of a network of spiritual communities, both through personal contacts and through the "meet spiritual community". So I am a member of a Committee of the EKD, which will develop a position paper on the position of communities and communities. We note again that we need the spiritual exchange with other cells. Last year we had contact mainly with the Jesus Fraternity Volkenroda, the Christ-makers, the offensive young Christians, the Jesus meeting in Stuttgart, the YMCA emotion in Essen, the "metabolism" in Dresden, the clergy community renewal, many YMCAs, with St. Mary's in London, the Baptist Union in Georgia, other communities in Marburg Christians in Sudan and many more.
for people - space for encounter with God
The conversion of Christian home in the last year have gone with power forward. Many volunteers have worked in the Construction Week in August, there were over 130 people. Now, on with a small team and with specialist companies. A miracle is that so far we could pay all the bills. The major works be ready before Christmas. The interior still needs even a moderate effort, financial and work in the spring. Now we have realized how great it is to be able to conquer the new rooms.
Small things - big impact
In 2005, many of us the way, the message of Jesus to bring about many far beyond Marburg. On the basis of Friends reached Gottfried Müller thousands of young people. But Elke and I are often on the road to ministry. The books of CTlern reach beyond many people. But to enumerate the names of the CT-authors, shows what a wealth God has given us: George and Margaret Pflueger, Guido and Stefan Baltes, Steve and Anke people, Dietmar penny house, Tobias Faix, Thomas White Born, Gottfried Mueller, Roland and Elke Werner. There are also CD-productions, the latest CT-CD with worship songs, "I Turn To You" on the community and preaching work, our pastoral work, and not least the CT medical center a great impact in the city and region into it. The bookshop Quo Vadis was made through the dedicated effort of Gierse Eva and her team to a starting point for many. Our world needs is overlooking the "COURAGE" (Mission Support Team) and since the summer by the work of Stefan and Tine Bösner, engaged for many years in humanitarian aid in Sudan, were sharpened. We are also grateful for the short-term employees from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Georgia, USA and England. is supported and allows all of the work by faithful people like Dirk Klingelhöfer in the office and Christian Mutschler under construction, both integrated over again helpers.
kingdom and yet
dependent, we are grateful for the wealth bestows, the God of us: the many volunteers, financial resources, creativity, talents, contacts, links. Part of this wealth and your! We do, despite all the uncertainties in future do bold steps in Trust in God's promise that says: "I will never leave you nor forsake" (Hebrews 13, 5)
warm regards and gratitude for all Christ-Treff-employee Community
your / your / your
Roland Werner
More information about the various branches of the Christ-events, the work of Friends, the St John's Hospice and the Christian home-remodeling, etc., we send you to: CT office, Steinweg 12, 35037 Marburg, office @ jesus-community. de , Tel 06421-64470, + + + + + http://Berlin.christus-treff. org +
Who wants us to support: general
Christus-Treff: Account 10,100,700 20th Friends: 10 100 10 663rd
Christian home-renovation in 1000 2630th All Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf, BLZ 533 500 00th Thank you.
Christus-Treff - Jesus-Community - Friends
Marburg - Berlin - Jerusalem
A Letter to Our Friends
Dear friends! Advent 2005
end of the year we send warm greetings! Like every year we want to express our thanks for all your support and solidarity with the accompanying financial card 2006th
Our annual Card 2006 - an icon from Syria
The illustrated icon was handed over to us by Dr. Christian Zippert retired Bishop of the Christian home. He had received from the rum-Orthodox Patriarch in Syria. The small inscription on the right explains the picture. It says: ho nymphíos - the groom. At first glance, this representation is unusual for us. But if you look longer, can overcome the feeling of alienation. We have chosen this picture as an annual pass, because it expresses the connection with Christians in other countries, while making clear that Jesus is the center of our lives and our community. Jesus - the groom. A basic biblical motif. Even John the Baptist, Jesus compared with the groom. (John 3, 29)
At the end of the Bible appears the community of Christians as "bride", which calls gemeinam people with God's Spirit to Jesus talk "The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And anyone who hears it, the say, Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely "(Revelation 22, 17) So is this picture an invitation to come to Jesus and to love him more than anything else in the world.. This invitation we want to pass.
growth in Marburg, Berlin and Jerusalem
Marburg: Here in Marburg, we have seen in recent months, an astonishing growth. Because the number of visitors increased steadily since the beginning of November, we offer two services on Sunday morning at 10 clock and clock by 12. Both are well attended and packed. Amazing! Even the English-language service on Sunday evening and the traditional Thursday-service continue to grow. In the introductory course for new staff were over sixty people, the largest number so far. In all this we see a great quest for community, for experience of God and faith in our time. Our two youth work - TeenZone and teens club - reach many young people. Working with children is booming on all levels. New is the playground at the church with Michael Allgäuer Richtsberg. Also, Andy and Liz Goodacre join our team. Andy works with full-time students and has primarily in view. In parallel, he makes his training via distance learning Anglican priest.
Jerusalem: The work in the St John's Hospice in Jerusalem now in its 13th Year. Steffi and Guido Baltes create together with the volunteers an atmosphere in which guests and visitors feel comfortable. They also maintain contact with many in the country, tourists and locals to pray for reconciliation and are a testimony to Jesus, whose truth and love is all. The Jerusalem meeting of Christ has become an insider tip for many.
Berlin: Here is the key word growth. Many are moved to Berlin and Marburg strengthen the core community. Thus the worship fill slowly, and new missionary forces are released. The open house is attractive to many neighbors and others. It is good if we continue to pray for the team at Alexander and Ruth Oed and Prego community.
community - the basis for spiritual movement
Community of Christ meeting in history been more important. The team, home groups, binding communities and not least the Jesus community are living cells. As JG and CT, we are part of a network of spiritual communities, both through personal contacts and through the "meet spiritual community". So I am a member of a Committee of the EKD, which will develop a position paper on the position of communities and communities. We note again that we need the spiritual exchange with other cells. Last year we had contact mainly with the Jesus Fraternity Volkenroda, the Christ-makers, the offensive young Christians, the Jesus meeting in Stuttgart, the YMCA emotion in Essen, the "metabolism" in Dresden, the clergy community renewal, many YMCAs, with St. Mary's in London, the Baptist Union in Georgia, other communities in Marburg Christians in Sudan and many more.
for people - space for encounter with God
The conversion of Christian home in the last year have gone with power forward. Many volunteers have worked in the Construction Week in August, there were over 130 people. Now, on with a small team and with specialist companies. A miracle is that so far we could pay all the bills. The major works be ready before Christmas. The interior still needs even a moderate effort, financial and work in the spring. Now we have realized how great it is to be able to conquer the new rooms.
Small things - big impact
In 2005, many of us the way, the message of Jesus to bring about many far beyond Marburg. On the basis of Friends reached Gottfried Müller thousands of young people. But Elke and I are often on the road to ministry. The books of CTlern reach beyond many people. But to enumerate the names of the CT-authors, shows what a wealth God has given us: George and Margaret Pflueger, Guido and Stefan Baltes, Steve and Anke people, Dietmar penny house, Tobias Faix, Thomas White Born, Gottfried Mueller, Roland and Elke Werner. There are also CD-productions, the latest CT-CD with worship songs, "I Turn To You" on the community and preaching work, our pastoral work, and not least the CT medical center a great impact in the city and region into it. The bookshop Quo Vadis was made through the dedicated effort of Gierse Eva and her team to a starting point for many. Our world needs is overlooking the "COURAGE" (Mission Support Team) and since the summer by the work of Stefan and Tine Bösner, engaged for many years in humanitarian aid in Sudan, were sharpened. We are also grateful for the short-term employees from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Georgia, USA and England. is supported and allows all of the work by faithful people like Dirk Klingelhöfer in the office and Christian Mutschler under construction, both integrated over again helpers.
kingdom and yet
dependent, we are grateful for the wealth bestows, the God of us: the many volunteers, financial resources, creativity, talents, contacts, links. Part of this wealth and your! We do, despite all the uncertainties in future do bold steps in Trust in God's promise that says: "I will never leave you nor forsake" (Hebrews 13, 5)
warm regards and gratitude for all Christ-Treff-employee Community
your / your / your
Roland Werner
More information about the various branches of the Christ-events, the work of Friends, the St John's Hospice and the Christian home-remodeling, etc., we send you to: CT office, Steinweg 12, 35037 Marburg, office @ jesus-community. de , Tel 06421-64470, + + + + + http://Berlin.christus-treff. org +
Who wants us to support: general
Christus-Treff: Account 10,100,700 20th Friends: 10 100 10 663rd
Christian home-renovation in 1000 2630th All Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf, BLZ 533 500 00th Thank you.
Ford Fiesta Getting Ipod To Work
What a week!
astray. On Sunday we had
for the third time our two "morning" worship in a row, by 10 clock and clock by 12. Both times full.
And then the November Café. With live music by Matthew, Thomas, Stephen, Michael and George. And with lots of cake. Craft activities for children, wood workshop of Tim, Advent wreath-tie with Claudia and much more.
than 300 people were there in the afternoon.
Evening, nor the International Worhip service. I have (coincidentally, came like this) in all three preached.
On the day I had a strange feeling, I would always call my mother.
I made around 19 clock, and was told that my aunt - her sister - was dying.
When I preached soon after the IWS, I had to cry - public - which I thought was super embarrassing.
died in the night then too. Charlotte Voss, birth 4 July 1921. My favorite aunt.
a committed Christian. A true role model.
Monday: Christival Board and the evening course and then only configuration Basic Course 2 - with GOFI and about 90 participants.
Wednesday Christival-wire circuit in Kassel, in the evening then CT's management team and employee subgroup. A Pakistani minister is visiting us.
On Thursday, the church was full as ever. This time, something new: Our youth TeenZone, have transformed the church into a magical mood. Super creative and deeply spiritual.
I was particularly pleased that the 18 year old Michael - taught - alternating with Frixe.
It is something from the kids of the Jesus community.
He then prayed after the blessing of time ("Teens bless normal people") for me, for the funeral and the talk I had to hold on Friday.
way, we have collected for the earthquake victims in Pakistan, It brought together over 2,500 euros from the state. Awesome!
That was wrong with the onset of winter. We made it just in the northern Ruhr area. But my mother, my father, brother, wife and two nephews were sitting for hours on the A 31 because of power cables laid on the roadway.
So my mother (81 years) experienced the funeral of her only sister!
But Jesus has comforted us all. My aunt is where it belongs: in heaven with Jesus.
Today I was in Wiesbaden for a board meeting.
What a life!
Thank you, stranger, if you who read this, a prayer for me send to the control center of the sky.
What a week!
astray. On Sunday we had
for the third time our two "morning" worship in a row, by 10 clock and clock by 12. Both times full.
And then the November Café. With live music by Matthew, Thomas, Stephen, Michael and George. And with lots of cake. Craft activities for children, wood workshop of Tim, Advent wreath-tie with Claudia and much more.
than 300 people were there in the afternoon.
Evening, nor the International Worhip service. I have (coincidentally, came like this) in all three preached.
On the day I had a strange feeling, I would always call my mother.
I made around 19 clock, and was told that my aunt - her sister - was dying.
When I preached soon after the IWS, I had to cry - public - which I thought was super embarrassing.
died in the night then too. Charlotte Voss, birth 4 July 1921. My favorite aunt.
a committed Christian. A true role model.
Monday: Christival Board and the evening course and then only configuration Basic Course 2 - with GOFI and about 90 participants.
Wednesday Christival-wire circuit in Kassel, in the evening then CT's management team and employee subgroup. A Pakistani minister is visiting us.
On Thursday, the church was full as ever. This time, something new: Our youth TeenZone, have transformed the church into a magical mood. Super creative and deeply spiritual.
I was particularly pleased that the 18 year old Michael - taught - alternating with Frixe.
It is something from the kids of the Jesus community.
He then prayed after the blessing of time ("Teens bless normal people") for me, for the funeral and the talk I had to hold on Friday.
way, we have collected for the earthquake victims in Pakistan, It brought together over 2,500 euros from the state. Awesome!
That was wrong with the onset of winter. We made it just in the northern Ruhr area. But my mother, my father, brother, wife and two nephews were sitting for hours on the A 31 because of power cables laid on the roadway.
So my mother (81 years) experienced the funeral of her only sister!
But Jesus has comforted us all. My aunt is where it belongs: in heaven with Jesus.
Today I was in Wiesbaden for a board meeting.
What a life!
Thank you, stranger, if you who read this, a prayer for me send to the control center of the sky.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Add Hard Drive To Dish Network Vip222k
High Church - Low Church-
The last two weeks have been exciting.
The conference for younger leaders in the monastery Volkenroda - You can contact Andy ( read.
With lots of power and web power of the Holy Spirit
(he has woven us together!)
And then the last week, the TGG - Meeting Spiritual Communities - Life in the Ecumenical Centre Ottmaring.
came here together almost 30 different communities, of Jesus and Prego Community Association (Christus-Treff network) using Offensive Young Christians and Jesus to the brotherhood of the monastery Amelungsborn Rita's Familia and Michael Lutheran Brotherhood.
Some very high-church, other quite loosely.
But Jesus was in the middle, and that made things interesting.
now is in a full weekend, and I'm just curious what happened. Super
I think that this year a few of my books have been published - this surreptitious advertising:
provocation Cross - Why did Jesus die? (Hänssler Verlag)
worth more than millions - Sabine Ball, metabolism and God found child (well Verlag)
Yeah, I want to see Jesus (John-Verlag)
becoming a Christian - being human (extended edition, Francke-Verlag)
A New Vision. The Lausanne Movement in Germany published ( with Arndt Schnepper - Hänssler Verlag)
winter can come, is provided for reading material. be
Let Jesus Jesus!
The last two weeks have been exciting.
The conference for younger leaders in the monastery Volkenroda - You can contact Andy ( read.
With lots of power and web power of the Holy Spirit
(he has woven us together!)
And then the last week, the TGG - Meeting Spiritual Communities - Life in the Ecumenical Centre Ottmaring.
came here together almost 30 different communities, of Jesus and Prego Community Association (Christus-Treff network) using Offensive Young Christians and Jesus to the brotherhood of the monastery Amelungsborn Rita's Familia and Michael Lutheran Brotherhood.
Some very high-church, other quite loosely.
But Jesus was in the middle, and that made things interesting.
now is in a full weekend, and I'm just curious what happened. Super
I think that this year a few of my books have been published - this surreptitious advertising:
provocation Cross - Why did Jesus die? (Hänssler Verlag)
worth more than millions - Sabine Ball, metabolism and God found child (well Verlag)
Yeah, I want to see Jesus (John-Verlag)
becoming a Christian - being human (extended edition, Francke-Verlag)
A New Vision. The Lausanne Movement in Germany published ( with Arndt Schnepper - Hänssler Verlag)
winter can come, is provided for reading material. be
Let Jesus Jesus!
Friday, November 11, 2005
How To Make Tech Deck Ramp Out Of Books
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Cute Grooming Sayings
to the desert
Today I was at a meeting at which it comes, as we are, that are prevented by their governments in knowing something about Jesus, yet allow this human right.
good that God's Spirit is more inventive than any powerful who want to keep out the word of God from all regions of the world!
the way I preach tomorrow morning at the International Mass at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the theme:
Let him hear what the Spirit says
Discovering God's Heart for a Postmodern Age
Revelation 3, 1-6
1To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are
the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
2Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.
3Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent.
But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.
4Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.
5He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
6He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
If anyone read my blog, I would be happy with a little comment.
Today I was at a meeting at which it comes, as we are, that are prevented by their governments in knowing something about Jesus, yet allow this human right.
good that God's Spirit is more inventive than any powerful who want to keep out the word of God from all regions of the world!
the way I preach tomorrow morning at the International Mass at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the theme:
Let him hear what the Spirit says
Discovering God's Heart for a Postmodern Age
Revelation 3, 1-6
1To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are
the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
2Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.
3Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent.
But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.
4Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy.
5He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
6He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
If anyone read my blog, I would be happy with a little comment.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Description Of A Person About The Hair
Holy Spirit
Yesterday the church was again full. Some 400 people. Lothar has launched the super Worship, Stefan told us about his impressions from Pakistan, it was during the earthquake there and I have preached the Gospel of John Chapter 16 under the theme: Discovering the Holy Spirit.
Then many came to pray in the sanctuary.
My main points: Explore
the Holy Spirit, says:
one has discovered its proximity
Jesus said
If I go not away, the Comforter will not to you.
If I go, I will send him unto you.
Comforter - paráklätos - lawyer
The one who helps
A "Summoned," which not only stands beside us
But: In our
is God in man - that's why our body - the temple of the Holy Spirit
reality of the presence of God - the His God is in them - Spirit in us - and by the Spirit of the Father and the Son
This is my prayer
The proximity of God.
We need - especially on overcast days
The truth
The proximity
means discovering the Holy Spirit, His gifts
discover two
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak of himself: but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and what is the future, he will tell you.
23 On the day you will tell me nothing . Ask Verily, verily I say unto you, If ye shall ask the Father for anything in My name He will give it you.
24 Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
The gifts of the Spirit
ability to speak of God
ability on his behalf to act
praying in tongues - often enter new openness to spiritual reality / world
But also: Natural gifts - Creativity
not: They broke umd of the gifts sake
Or gifts so that we great to come out
But: gifts to get people to serve
shares to enter into communication with God
gifts to show the beauty and creativity of God
Jointly Explore
pray for each other Try
new car
Discovering the Holy Spirit, is
discover 3 His power
8 And when he comes, he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of the court;
9 on the Sin: that they believe not on me;
over 10 justice: that I go to my Father and you see me no more;
11über the court: that the prince of this world is judged.
It is God's Spirit working in the world
It is God's Spirit, who creates faith
Spirit of God shows that we need God
"sin" The fact that we are separated from God
fact that we have him need
"Justice" The fact that Jesus has done everything required by the justice of God as
Martin Luther discovered, there was the explosion of the Reformation
"court" fact that God created the world renewed
that the negative not always have the upper hand
His power also brings about: healing, as in CT often experienced
What does the Holy Spirit?
He gave you God's presence
and strengthens you in your identity and relationship with God
He blessed you with talents and abilities
and makes your life unique
He lets His power within you to take effect
and helps you, just if you are weak.
Welcome, Holy Spirit!
Yesterday the church was again full. Some 400 people. Lothar has launched the super Worship, Stefan told us about his impressions from Pakistan, it was during the earthquake there and I have preached the Gospel of John Chapter 16 under the theme: Discovering the Holy Spirit.
Then many came to pray in the sanctuary.
My main points: Explore
the Holy Spirit, says:
one has discovered its proximity
Jesus said
If I go not away, the Comforter will not to you.
If I go, I will send him unto you.
Comforter - paráklätos - lawyer
The one who helps
A "Summoned," which not only stands beside us
But: In our
is God in man - that's why our body - the temple of the Holy Spirit
reality of the presence of God - the His God is in them - Spirit in us - and by the Spirit of the Father and the Son
This is my prayer
The proximity of God.
We need - especially on overcast days
The truth
The proximity
means discovering the Holy Spirit, His gifts
discover two
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak of himself: but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and what is the future, he will tell you.
23 On the day you will tell me nothing . Ask Verily, verily I say unto you, If ye shall ask the Father for anything in My name He will give it you.
24 Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
The gifts of the Spirit
ability to speak of God
ability on his behalf to act
praying in tongues - often enter new openness to spiritual reality / world
But also: Natural gifts - Creativity
not: They broke umd of the gifts sake
Or gifts so that we great to come out
But: gifts to get people to serve
shares to enter into communication with God
gifts to show the beauty and creativity of God
Jointly Explore
pray for each other Try
new car
Discovering the Holy Spirit, is
discover 3 His power
8 And when he comes, he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of the court;
9 on the Sin: that they believe not on me;
over 10 justice: that I go to my Father and you see me no more;
11über the court: that the prince of this world is judged.
It is God's Spirit working in the world
It is God's Spirit, who creates faith
Spirit of God shows that we need God
"sin" The fact that we are separated from God
fact that we have him need
"Justice" The fact that Jesus has done everything required by the justice of God as
Martin Luther discovered, there was the explosion of the Reformation
"court" fact that God created the world renewed
that the negative not always have the upper hand
His power also brings about: healing, as in CT often experienced
What does the Holy Spirit?
He gave you God's presence
and strengthens you in your identity and relationship with God
He blessed you with talents and abilities
and makes your life unique
He lets His power within you to take effect
and helps you, just if you are weak.
Welcome, Holy Spirit!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Sudden Nausea Dizziness
Eventually, I create it again, with working groups help to place a new entry. I need help!
why I call the Holy Spirit!
Come down, O Holy Ghost, who tears up the dark night, shine light into this world.
Come on, who loves all the poor, come there, the good gifts, come, lit every heart.
Come, O blessed light, fill heart and your faithful to the soul of reason. Without your life can
Wehntal in man, nothing, nothing can safely be healthy. What
stained is, wash clean, Arid pour a life, heal you, torments where disease.
heat you know what solvent cold and hard, which freezes in to steer, which missed their way.
Give the people who trusted you, which is based on your help, your gifts to the convoy.
Let it consist in time to see the completion of your salvation and joy forever.

Eventually, I create it again, with working groups help to place a new entry. I need help!
why I call the Holy Spirit!
Come down, O Holy Ghost, who tears up the dark night, shine light into this world.
Come on, who loves all the poor, come there, the good gifts, come, lit every heart.
Come, O blessed light, fill heart and your faithful to the soul of reason. Without your life can
Wehntal in man, nothing, nothing can safely be healthy. What
stained is, wash clean, Arid pour a life, heal you, torments where disease.
heat you know what solvent cold and hard, which freezes in to steer, which missed their way.
Give the people who trusted you, which is based on your help, your gifts to the convoy.
Let it consist in time to see the completion of your salvation and joy forever.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How Long To Cook Cake In 6x2 Pans
Hello and welcome!
Under the expert guidance of GOFI, the "miracle of God" (Felix) I created this blog.
Hope you enjoy what you see, saw, and wants to see.
Hello and welcome!
Under the expert guidance of GOFI, the "miracle of God" (Felix) I created this blog.
Hope you enjoy what you see, saw, and wants to see.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Brush My Tongue And Cough Up Blood
Madam, what do they have thrown for a passion in the collar? Do they believe in Paris is hell? The thumb has missed the expression. The eye was somewhere else. It was covered in opium. In the room were the key, because the story did not lie to themselves. Atima, come be my friend, twenty years and then you are free! Think about whether you my love, not in the background, but want to be in the forefront of my family because the desperation is in the solitude not only in France to search. In pity they have not said yes to the emperor. It was not his clothes nor his palace. No, the mother was the father's feet. As it would want to be that the robbers also spread their sludge. The wife did not put up with! to put poison in the world, no, she saw red. But the collection went on and I thought to myself: If I had to look as if the sisters had taken my tools in hand, which helped them to clean the room. But what a room drew his attention to himself and not where the car went through, as the path would be straight into the sky. No, such a madness! The roads are increasingly stressed, because the confidence faded, there always stood in between the flame. In reality, the plants animals. But that did not matter, because the doors were wide open and the children came. They were named: truth. It all started with the birth. Can the list before.
first works were difficult to assess before they perused not. Freedom would be not always the courage of doing what is just about the possessions. Haargenau I start now, there and tell you like what I like about ALL-PUBLIC-OF-EN andstaying and beyond his companions and companions of my disgust in a monster of unimaginable proportions, into plunged into the world of tears and despair. At the heart of even a spark of mind, who said to me was: Land ahoy! Look, the servants! You see they not? They take up to, full of passion. They are your friends you do not see. Do not treat happiness neglected! Will not be a masochist? Since
said when she came back to me: you come, now we go home, for humanity, I am! Then she showed me what had happened. No, it was not me. Discovered it myself, and her eggnog was expressed. Borders, the symptoms that I had there. They were not economic. No, it was a sect, which took place in politics. So I took the object, and it asked: Who is man? The mother - she was so poor and as white as chalk. Before I went to her, I went over an approximately fifty-foot long trail of blood! Tell not like gruesome stuff. Without a lawyer you should not say anything. So I went on hold again in the word, and fed them with other things that appeals to me as possible and not originally missed the genius. Because the reality was somewhere else. She lay before me. What happened? Already asked: what happened? The reflection was terrible. It does not take place in Switzerland. No, not even in the Salzkammergut. It was not even in the bog. She said: No, she said nothing. So I went and asked her daughter: What happened there? Nothing. I have "only" my mother with a knife, stabbed in the foot! Next time it comes by the throat! And if my daughter large, it is looking not at more of it because I anyway, the sentence for good behavior after two years in prison, come out again! Yes, I was shocked! What can one say in such a case. Moreover, there was abroad. A mind? Was it a vicious drive? Is probably a demon. She has insane amount of negative force. Had to leave them in the bog, as in something like I got to know her. In Spielberg, it was not. The ground I had already become spongy. The rotten fruits of the Spirit and found himself surrounded only by time. He was so contrary! The food also seemed to be no help. Inadequacies of the flow strength, which take up no more danger in the spirit could. The solitude has a lot to do with selfishness. So I took different standards, which left me in creation to be there. The humiliation alone, it can be? Again and again I tried to cover their actions. This unfortunately justified its Article One must consider whether it is better to handle seep into the source leave. The darkest scene has not occurred yet, thank God. I dread it. Is it the wife of Mr. Miller or Mueller? Does not matter. The names do nothing to the point. Do not think so much of name. They are just gimmicks. Why do some pay so much to this? The lip, the round went through the hard work did not please the queen. but the madam did not matter because the beauty was in the foreground. Welcome, you gracious presence. Oh, how I enjoy my beauty in you. In fact, I've had time to enjoy food that is invisible. Ha, ha ha! Make you a theater before. Not in France. What does it do? France is not everything. The fighting also took place elsewhere. And the critical wounds obeyed supernatural laws that did not need a permanent! As said the pupil, as effectively as the art herbeizog breathing space to themselves: let me see again why the reality is without makeup? Moreover, / te I a woman who had a monstrous big vocabulary. It consisted mainly from: böööööööööööö, bo, böööööööööööö, bö .............!, - in the deepest form. We wondered whether we should leave because the doors open or not better. The Hermann, the devil, with his bag or son, who was his father? It's pretty twisted. But the help was always only when the opinions were too strong and the protection was stronger than the action. The artists can depend on, yes. When the wizards it's something different. The hear you snore. And if one looks closer inspection you realize that the truth is that in real-time speech rights. Yes, they say again! What you mean: What do you want? Still alive anyway! Oh, mmmhm. Is the hidden vigilantism much emphasis should be regarded as something noble? Or should you browse in the book to discover something about the A. genius who has a right to exist. Manifested in all the good pleasure, or rather in reason. Reason is my view, a philosophy of the scriptures. Reality speaks of other laws. Conception to keep at bay the sea was made up. In the corridors was finally some water, which affected private life quite a bit. Wife forgot the basics, because they stretched. Be it in religion, science, or sport! In the happiness will not do. Since woman does not extend the>. > Goes immediately into practice, and says to himself, to sit on my lap a child.
Dear child! Frank do you mean? Or do you want hot Melissa? Or Ruth? The name, as I said does neither in girls nor in boys something to the point. In contrast, the Christmas tree was still nice to look towards the fire ball that has taken him afterwards, in the flood swept away him. Since Ferdinand said yet: look, the death shall creep into the room! This worm: We will trample him and crushed and trampled;
until the whole Third Reich is crushed! The bliss systems were not invented in Auschwitz. Troubles were the animals in the hand. In the middle their intestines were so swollen that she could not take action. Reality-en went past them. They began at once from the other side to read from. Well, that did not matter. You can also read downhill or uphill. But the trade is important in the character of normality. Not to scatter much, because the result can be printed very small. If you do lose it you need good eyes. The fate should always be taken brave in his hand. Now take a cigarette in his hand, and: ^ ^ FFFFFFFFFFFF -> pfffffffffff. - "Long live the truck!" He said. He could not estimate because the condition occurred more on the bottom cushion. Would it so, had taken the Kanil causality in attack. But they stood in the way of poverty. So I thought to myself before the confessor pronounce his curse on me: stronger the Parliament in its sensuality! You will even consider whether the nature poet in fact have the ability in himself to which they are the solution. This may not create the Danube! It would be futile emptiness, study and a wrong. Begins the study not been to the youth: "Whole life hard life." This was so in the ancient world!
The houses were thrown to create a forum. Not return to Paris to take place it should, but just as good in an instant. Above this is indeed a pleasure to have a mother's breast. There are no sacred earth. But who knows, maybe they will at once, in bright colors. Life is kind of a spectacle. Woe unto you think is not necessary for it by the mildness. There is no chance now! recognize the supernatural, what and where the place of their destiny. Voice is not conventional. It was not written simply in a letter. Neither of Schiller Nestroy. It might rather have been one which we will learn to know. A close friend of the still lives and meets his brother. A very quiet conversation is held with him. Suddenly, the brother in law is clear, that is the shepherd of the type (a) erin met. Over the waves excited entered the ship and it was carried into the world beyond the gloss. Yes there was the beautiful soul at a time. In reality, the laxity of my enemy, - which made me rules. From what right is turned towards me as an artist, because she loved not even the hope that the reality has no idea. Please indicate the bad news properly, otherwise they are for the fish! Should there be the evil or not? Can hold any himself as he wishes. Whether drunk or not. Hurts or not, that decides the gate. In the beginning, yet the heart. Then came the muscles. Ranked "one" still birth. And so actually everything is repeated in nature. Word law may not be. Zorro does not know anything about the law beyond what the judge accepted that much. In ancient times, I should not speculate about. What lies ahead? Too much! Too bad that the well is too deep and has not yet exercised the ownership of the vault. To this end, we just jumped (mankind can not say), but the progress that has devoured itself. He was not a coward, who had the urge to place itself under the elephant. He gave her his house and would rather called it ox. Resist the beginnings, before it becomes ridiculous, and the power-lifting anything from concept to know - which will make it. Whether this is good or bad, the mind is left to the discretion. The shore anyway everyone has to enter himself, unless he is a nursing care or even dead, why should reflect this when he was in his power of thought does not want to suffocate before the elections. Has so many possibilities, or on. Fate there are in fact not, frankly, in philosophy. Finally, the Olympus of reason has pulled his head. Mud? - That I will not really so happy to pay, where I still have my pants door in his own hands. Have worked countless doors in my past and learned they generally appreciate. No sooner in life gave me something so helped, such as doors. Like to see them from outside and see them happy from within. Frankly, I do not like. These are not! Look, the man of the world, with or without door has, indeed out for the company always at hand, what you want to try the sex offender just by him, whether he is a pathetic actor who has set the wrong plant. The sex was not important because the mental differences deserved their determination, and thus had the character made her involuntarily. Take into account the tolerance but to ensure that the rule does not get out of hand. They had not understood why the Force has descended into independence. Differences were too great in the nursery. Personalities and theories in the banks had enough to do with priority. Triggering was still the age. Could also watch because of the disdainful, as the discouragement always in the room stood up and the bread was pretty broken up. Thus, the applications found in the cure two smooth outputs. Humanistic seen the Mona Lisa had foreseen nothing. As rattled the alarm, he said: It is time that we put it off because the father has moved from a friend so the terminology into consciousness. I personally do not care what. On the other hand, I was not comedy, because the movement was more important still. Be it on holiday, or on the toilet. Aggression may extract. I was a little tired. Physical discomfort being, which torments me a thousand times already very irritated! The Graduate was probably no easier by this. The instincts helped me through the circle! Nothing to stress because of the road anyway its target place. Everything always leads back again, except it crashed. Would help more federal mix into the paint to combat the loneliness. Is very much whether trillion Hz tolerate the freshness. Below the anus is not the least important addition to the kidneys. Finally, it depends on the vegetation on it. Whether Twenty-four times, or only eighteen times, the brain also controls not all. Determined the substance that turns electronic? A sixteen year old can not even imagine it as like a / r, the (usually) Observations hires outside> after he ascended to Nirvana definitely. The whiskers had said it bother me. I am aware of them. First, I have none, and secondly, this is nobody's business whether I wear beard or not. The chalk on the paper had not raised the oil so I hinfand where I wanted to go. Begebt me but to the rest, I could say. The shirt I get to be alone. They had always forget how important education is. My God, what I could tell all of my childhood. I toiled hard and free of charge. stay home from school and work under high pressure in the timber (forest). Was with children being raped !!!!! Even my siblings! It is not fine, if those who have violated, the public also have the great honor of representing people! On the other hand shows the finger at me, want to meet them because I can hold Bloody. Each gram is weighed on me. Since then he shouts: Hallelujah, and is trapped. The main thing he has socializing around. The Chief Justice, shrugging this: Well that is one thing. Ah, for which I have no patience and pulled his robe off. Actually, he wanted to be captain. His body was snuggled into the other hand, do not. Within a moment he prevented a hemorrhage. Then he wanted to the police. The police, however, hid in the closet. Preacher of God had no joy with him. Soldier, lend me your comb! I want to draw a head. Since I saw the Hitler wore a crown, I would rather have a bald head. So, and here come the strongest, in the chains. What believe because what I have plugged into money. Up one minute they want to meet me, the educator in the pastry. Cosmologically they do fall into ecstasy. As I said the good pleasure that they should not allow. She is something beautiful, the voluptuous. Said at least the guard in the room. By the way, the monk of the monastery and slides, said in his extra-large speakers art is probably the Florette in the chamber on a glass furniture the bed move. And this is the first time since caring If the girl does not come in between, I would hergeliehen my body. Since
reached fever liquid to potato, which lasted forty-five years so that the spoon was in the water. This helped the cornea can not be removed, which in turn could then bring the pots into a hard high gloss. You should change your shoes every day, so the voltage is not as big and stick out his socks do not always have the laces. Twenty plates would fully satisfy the spots in order to put the soap. Look, it's not supposed to make the living death of the married funny to perhaps the dispute among the Christians of hand. The decision is curious, the community can not rest, so it would come to a new exile, to show who are the slaves. But as the wind began to roar already passed by the prisoners, the Christians had an easier apology, given the chilly rebirth of the people. In his pocket, placed transversely, prepared the car, which dragged us through the city. The full schedule left no questions unanswered, for voice-overs that the fee exceeded.
When the Gypsies felt that they were the torch too close, they fled in the waiting room of the doctor's office. They had no union on their side, why they feared lashes. These idiots when they came too close, an angel intervened. Minutes later it was certain: They had come into the vicinity of an airport, which lies a circular moderate to passengers through a glass door into it. The radio link was interrupted because the Coast Guard to sleep under a fire storm. As they tried to set up a eulogy to the climate. But the earth did not yield to them because they had forgotten the portrait in the bedroom. Now, a lip came over her that they wanted a good night. As they dreamed of the life source of stem nut, a farce and women who are most like drive with the devil would. A few days later, she awoke on a Thursday, and said to themselves:
Monday, June 20, 2005
Gta Iv Unlock Request
have seven on the New Year
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and now am I intellent!
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