The first piece of the Semmering whipped down to meet us even the gusty wind. Where you normally roll down easily and without much Strampelei with a 60, we now proceed in close formation - wheel to wheel - won 35 kilometers per hour. Now, shortly after 8 clock it is still quite cool. So it is that we all wear jackets that do not just make life easier ...
The lush green landscape in early summer in the upper Mürztal distracted somewhat from the wind. About increasingly frequented Roads we drive to the light gray, dense cumulus clouds from the southwest. It goes on to Mürzzuschlag Langenwang where the next stop is announced. Snick, which is increasingly emerged as a "workhorse" of the troop increase, - wind and road slightly annoyed - by bicycle. With almost been vaccinated discipline, we all look at the clock, in order to utilize the five-minute break as effectively as possible. Lack of gas station we use a simple guest house for refueling and other activities.
It is about 11 clock. While driving through Kindberg begin the initial assumptions, the time, place and modalities to optimize the lunch. The ideas are very far reaching. From quick Wurstsemmerl at a gasoline station to the home-style feast, anything is possible. The motivational effect is precisely calculated. It is certainly convenient, at the lunch break well over half the distance to have behind you. On the other hand, stirs the stomach more clearly what is behind philosophical thinking games. Finally, a failure to decide Peters wheel of his bike makes the short term to a five-speed bicycle, because no longer want to be the upper gears. After a short random walk by Bruck an der Mur - it is due to Jo's good preparation remains the only - we end up at an inn in Niklas village where we come.
Various liver dumpling soup, hearty stir-fries and chocolate crepes later, we get to forty-five minutes back on our bikes. The defect - it was a relaxed setting of the switch cable - was quickly repaired. Sun is the lack of 140 kilometers to the Wörthersee in the way of anything. Now it goes the next 90 kilometers up the Mur. The clouds have now moved a little. It has become noticeably warmer. The sun is always more to light. One thing remained as it was - the southwest. We follow the
Murradweg. It is particularly with a full stomach it quite pleasant for a while to not pay attention to the road transport needs. The order we do not need to worry
Judenburg shows at last the summer weather, as was promised even the day before the weather report. Sunshine, 25 degrees and almost no wind. At a gas station we stop short. Andi absorbs the various PowerGels into it at the usual pace way back. The next few kilometers are not easy. It should go Perchau saddle up. He is not very high, but a few hundred meters are not fun when one is struck and has more than 200 miles in the legs. After waiting
Unzmarkt Scheifling and we meet at the foot of the mountain that separates us from Carinthia yet. Slowly worry wide at the evening's Pizza in Klagenfurt. From still quite a lot to do. 80 km still missing. Perchau saddle up the changes the usual order. Peter attacked from the start. We can and do not follow at first. Having him after five minutes on the extended hairpin can see more, we drive our pace and buried our hopes on the internal mountain classification. In Neumarkt in der Steiermark we meet, we rouse ourselves in the cafe for the final descent with a little espresso.
is on the downhill it over the border in Friesach. Again there is an attack on Peter. This time, however, not uphill, but most steeply, winding downhill section. Again we can not follow. This time we give, but not without a fight, but fight our way in the Belgian top approached often. Often, the distance is short. Peter manages to escape but always forward. The entertaining chase then took about half an hour until we in the last Althofen Pause before Klagenfurt appeal. Andi shows his famous biter qualities.
we roll to the town sign, where we will meet at 8 clock in the evening in order to "photographic evidence". We continue now with the neighborhood and at the Wörthersee-earned dinner at the pizzeria. Once at sea, we arrive in time for sunset. An eventful day. We are satisfied. The goal is reached.
Pete + iron chris