I've just come back from the CT service. Now during the holidays, are less people in the parish church as usual, only between 300 and 350
Today was my theme: From folk hero to the defendants - had to die Why did Jesus.
Who wants to hear it, it can be downloaded in a few days of the CT website ( www.christus-treff.org ).
Jesus had to die.
This from the preface of my book "provocation Cross
It's strong stuff, which imposes on the New Testament: The execution of a man who described entirely innocent, was in great detail. I find provocative.
It's a bit rich that Jesus of Nazareth was not trying to evade. He was aware of the way to the Cross, retreat knowingly and without. The find I unbelievable.
It's hard the same people who had benefited from him, and it is now contrary to the Roman occupiers extradited so that they enforced the death sentence. I find that common.
It's outrageous that Jesus prays on the cross for those who had all this debt. It keeps the love that has marked his life, by all until the end. I think that's unique.
It's beyond imagination that a whipped, the wooden beams nailed man who did for all to see his last breath, left on the third day death behind her ha t like an old dress that no longer needed is. I find that incredible.
It's challenging, that until today there are people who claim on real and tangible way to be with this man of the Cross in contact. He lives, they claim, and takes an interest in anything that happens. I find nachprüfenswert "
I will consciously in the next few days to think about what that means for me
And for this world, unfortunately the reality in many places of the subject." Characterized Passion ".
eg in Darfur, which continues to be burned before villages, women raped, children are sold into slavery,
and in many places.
For me it's comforting to know that Jesus has experienced the harsh realities themselves.
We Christians do not believe in an abstract God, not a philosophical idea of the highest good, but to a Creator made man who humbles himself up in the bloody reality of Verbrechertods on the cross into it.
this wounded God I can trust my wounded life.
Here is healing possible, because here there is a savior.